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Player freezes - What kind of error am I making? — Gideros Forum

Player freezes - What kind of error am I making?

MellsMells Guru
edited May 2013 in General questions

I was working on an app several weeks ago and had to halt development suddenly.
I thought that it was working fine before I close the project, but I was wrong.

Now when I open the project, the player freezes (spinning icon) during a game session (the EnterFrame event listener is not running anymore after a few seconds).
No error appears in the console, so I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
Most probably (99% sure) it's an error on my side, not Gideros.

I have to force quit the player, if I don't space is shrinking on my hard drive and I get a "your startup disk is almost full".
A restart restores my space.

My question is : do you have any idea of what kind of errors cause this kind of issue?

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