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AceSlide in one part of the screen — Gideros Forum

AceSlide in one part of the screen

pedroluis5pedroluis5 Member
edited May 2013 in General questions
I put aceslide with my images in one part of the screen. but when I move the images from the aceslide, aceslide pass over other things on the screen.
that i can do for this not to happen.
Its getting it to work within a sprite?



  • Unfortunately until they implement clipping this will have to happen. We need the GLES 2.0 version which recently got put on the back burner (see the stocked post at the top). A workaround that may work for your scenario is to put the slide component under the other components and then draw 3 boxes (or your background) on top of where the ace slide shouldn't be. This is silly and stupid I know but there it is
  • tks i will add first on screen aceslide and after the other things.
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