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Using Lua Glider 1.9 with Gideros — Gideros Forum

Using Lua Glider 1.9 with Gideros

BigWinstonBigWinston Member
edited May 2013 in General questions

So' I have Lua Glider 1.9 but am struggling to perform basic debugging tasks with it so far. I can load the player, but that's about it. I can't deploy to the player, or a device running the player.

Has anyone else been successful in using this setup. Would you be able to explain your configuration?




  • Hello BigWinston,

    Please try again with Glider v 1.9.1. You can get it via help-> check for updates. We fixed some Gideros specific bugs and we are working on better Gideros support.

    M.Y. Developers
  • edited June 2013
    I'm having the same issue, and I'm running 1.9.1. I'm attempting to load and run an existing project; the Gideros player runs, but my app does not. The Plugin Console claims that it is connected, and a GliderProj.gproj is generated, but there is no other output in any of the other windows, and the app never runs.

    I think it may have something to do with some sub-folder goofiness. Right now, my folders are structured as thus:

    (the remaining folders are inside Root; sorry, I can't figure out how to "indent" ;-)
    /src (where my main.lua and all other .lua files reside)

    I've opened each of these folders as a "project" inside Glider. There are no sub-folders inside of these projects. When I hit run, I don't get any complaints about it being unable to find main.lua, so all seems to be well there. It just never actually runs it that I can tell. I've set breakpoints inside main.lua and they are never triggered.

    The only success I've had thus far is when I have created a brand new, very simple project with nothing but a main.lua, displaying a code-generated rectangle in the window. The Gideros player launches and the rectangle is displayed as expected.
  • On that note, I think I may have had a little breakthrough (in my case). I had forgotten that my folder structure is a little more complicated than that. The fonts, images, and sounds folders are actually inside a "res" folder, so it's really Root/res/images, etc.

    I had tried adding the res folder as a project as well, but Glider wasn't giving me the option to do so. I thought it had to do with the fact that it contained nothing but sub-folders, but that didn't turn out to be the case. I renamed the folder, and suddenly, I was allowed to add it. I even changed it back to "res", and the option remained. Weird.

    Unfortunately, that didn't fix the problem for me, either.
  • edited June 2013
    (Edit: I thought this was a code dependency thing, but it wasn't; it's been a long night!)


    Well, so much for my src folder. I did a big re-structuring, and after some messing around to get things running in Gideros again, my new folder structure looks like this:

    Root (all lua source files now stored here, not in Root/src)

    I added every folder here as a project in Glider, and all seems to be working now.
  • BigWinstonBigWinston Member
    edited June 2013
    I'm not able to get it work. Following along with FlimFlamboyant's minimal project idea, I created a fresh, new project with just a main.lua file. I copied over the code from the Gideros 'DragMe' tutorial (as it uses no resources - just a single 'main' lua file). The player still starts but no app loaded. Here's what's displayed in the simulator console:
    Moai plugin loaded successfully
    System Lua Interpreter plugin loaded successfully
    Corona plugin loaded successfully
    gideros: plugin.lua not found
    Invalid plugin loaded successfully
    gideros: plugin.lua not found
    Invalid plugin loaded successfully
    Gideros plugin loaded successfully
    connect failed, retrying
    generated file = C:\Users\BW\AppData\Roaming\.luagliderv19\dev\ProjectBuilds\GameTemplate(Builds)\GameTemplate(default)\GameTemplate\GliderProj.gproj

    I checked the GliderProj.gproj file that was generated, here's its content:
      <file file="socket.lua" excludeFromExecution="1"/>
      <file file="CiderDebugger.lua" excludeFromExecution="1"/>
    Now, I'm no .gproj file expert, but it seems as though the main.lua file is excluded from the project. I am able to load the .gproj using the Gideros IDE and sure enough, the main lua file is not in the project. I checked some project files for projects created with Gideros IDE and the following always exists:
    <file source="main.lua"/>
    hope this helps...


  • edited June 2013
    Huh; it looks like Glider is having some issues loading your Gideros plugin, though it claims to have pulled it off eventually. Here's what my output looks like:

    Gideros plugin loaded successfully
    System Lua Interpreter plugin loaded successfully
    Moai plugin loaded successfully
    Corona plugin loaded successfully
    Gideros plugin loaded successfully

    ... with my GliderProj.gproj being generated after that. Mine *does* list all of my .lua files, including main, amongst other things. You're also missing the properties tag, which makes me think it's not really outputting a legitimate Gideros project file to begin with. I'm a newcomer to Glider, so I can't offer any real insight, but your strange plugin messages do steer my suspicions in that direction.

    I hate to be the guy who suggests re-installing Glider, but... maybe?
  • Hey,

    I've reinstalled and tried LuaGlider out on a couple of different PC's, and my Mac. Issue is the same across all 3 machines.

    Anyone else having this problem?
  • edited June 2013
    Hello Everyone,

    Thanks for hanging in there. We were not taking into account all the features of the gproj file format (ie external relative paths, file dependencies, etc) but that is soon to change.

    We are about to release version 1.9.21 that should address most of these issues. This version of Glider has better gproj file integration than ever. And it has customizers for many gproj specific features such as dependencies, file attributes, image scales, etc. Please see this google document for more details:


    BTW you can get all updates via help->check for updates.

    M.Y. Developers
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