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String to variable name — Gideros Forum

String to variable name

DikkesnoekDikkesnoek Member
edited May 2013 in General questions

I will get a string back from a JSON file like "level01". Now I
want to convert it to a variable name, like:

local level01 = 10.

Any ideas?




  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @Dikkesnoek usually in such cases tables are used, like
    --you have a table with variables
    local vars = {}
    --you retrieve a string value
    local l = "level01"
    --you use string value as key and place something in it
    vars[l] = 10
  • Thanks ar2,

  • @Dikkesnoek,
    though I would advice against this very strongly, you can also set these are global variables and use them as
     name = "Jayant"
    or the other way round as
     _G["test"] = "This is a test"
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  • Ok thanks. I come to this because the level indexes will be generated
    and added to the level string like "level" + "01", "level" + "02" and
    stored in the JSON file. Later on I need to use these names as variables.


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