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What to expect from Meshes in OpenGL 2 ES? — Gideros Forum

What to expect from Meshes in OpenGL 2 ES?

keszeghkeszegh Member
edited June 2013 in General questions
Dear @atilim, I again need some things which seem to be impossible to completely emulate without opengl2, but i wonder if at least when it comes i will be able to or not. so my questions/feature requests are:
- smooth/antialiased borders of mesh triangles
(- in colorArray be able to use colors with transparency) edit: i realized that this is already possible, even that i use it already in my code, but somehow i got confused.
-mesh:get... functions

edit:overall it turns out meshes can already do everything that is crucial for me, still if antialiased meshes would be possible, that would simplify and make faster a lot of things for me.



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