How do you add some kind of way for the system to wait before running the next line of code?
What i'm trying to do is, when the scene enters, the background would already be visible but will wait for let's say 2 or 3 seconds before showing some of the objects. Also i was planning on using the delay or wait to somehow prevent some function from running for 1 or 2 seconds...
and the response I got, this however does not work with GUI based nor does
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
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EDIT: nevermind, found out the problem. btw does this mean i have to create multiple timer if i want several timed event?
Likes: rolfpancake
@ar2rsawseen oh, but it seems like single timed events works perfectly since i'm only using it for a brief pause before a certain scene starts so it appears as i won't be using as much timer as i thought i would.
since i'm in the topic of delay or waiting, i've recently encountered a new problem (i'm a problematic guy, sorry for that) So yeah, i have this block of code which is a button that when clicked, it shows a popup that has 2 buttons, yes and no.
EDIT: It seems like this problem only occurs either with functions that takes parameters or if statements. I'm guessing it's the first one.
Likes: xGuilt