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Fonts with setScale() — Gideros Forum

Fonts with setScale()

incipientincipient Member
edited July 2013 in General questions
Hi Giderosians,

I have done the "ground work" for a simple little game im working on, and am now putting it on a real device. Firstly i want to say the android app tester (and selecting IP from the IDE) is AMAZING. So simple.

Anyway, my problem... I am using a pretty standard snippet to handle screen resolutions:

local scaleWidth = application:getDeviceWidth()/application:getContentHeight()
local scaleHeight = application:getDeviceHeight()/application:getContentWidth()

stage:setScale(scaleHeight, scaleWidth)

It works fine for everything - my textures are huge so they always scale down and look ok. My issue is with fonts. Unless the scale is 1:1, the fonts become pixelated as they're always scaling up (from 480x320 to something bigger).

Does anyone have any idea how to make fonts display nicely?

Thanks for any help :)


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