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Impossible to play mp3 or ogg files with OpenAL? — Gideros Forum

Impossible to play mp3 or ogg files with OpenAL?

edited August 2013 in General questions
I just saw this on the guide thing:

"The Sound class in Gideros let you play back sound files of all kinds. Be it short sound effects like a gunshot or a 5 minute piece of music, it doesn’t matter. Under the hood, Gideros utilizes OpenAL for playing back WAV files and AVAudioPlayer to play back MP3 files.."

I am wondering, if I to use OpenAL I am really forced to use .wav... If that is the case I am quite disappointed, some of my games have a HUGE amount of sound effects, that are quite big if left as .wav
I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com


  • You would never use mp3 for sound effects, the cost of decompression is too high. mp3 should be reserved for music only. Mobile devices, such as iOS devices, can decompress a single mp3 at a time without performance issues, doing it via. hardware. Try to decompress and play any others and this will be done through software leading to performance problems.
  • moopf my current Corona-made games handle mp3 sound effects without issue...

    I wonder if that is because it might uncompress them at loading and then leave uncompressed in the memory, I am not sure how it works.
    I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com
  • moopf my current Corona-made games handle mp3 sound effects without issue...

    I wonder if that is because it might uncompress them at loading and then leave uncompressed in the memory, I am not sure how it works.
    usually i also dont find any issue with mp3 files but still in some cases where we need to play sfx too much like we need to play sound effect on collecting coins somewhat like jetpack joyride it behaves much different between mp3 and waves so good to use wav for sfx and mp3 for bg music

  • edited August 2013
    I was talking about this with my associate, and he considers it a dealbreaker...

    There is a way, even with native hackery, to load compressed files as sfx? This is a must for us, because our games are voiced in ten languages, and if we don't put them compressed the game size might quickly balooon to a size where users won't bother downloading it.
    I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com
  • I use voiced bits in my stuff and use mp3 files for those to keep the size down. I don't find any great problem with that as the slight delay really makes no difference with the uses I'm making for a voice file. However, for sfx that I need to happen in time with some action, I use wav files. As the sfx files are much smaller, this doesn't matter. Even then, I can often get away with mp3 files for sfx - I tend to try them and if I don't like the result swap them for wav files.

    Why don't you try some of your mp3 files in Gideros and see how well they play? That would seem to me to be the only way to judge if the performance will be OK for you.
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