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Upgrading Gideros builds, export project entirely? — Gideros Forum

Upgrading Gideros builds, export project entirely?

amaximovamaximov Member
edited August 2013 in General questions
So I was on Gideros 2013.06.1 and I want to update to 2013.06.3. However, my exported Xcode project contains the Facebook plugin, app icon, plist settings etc. that would get cleaned out completely with a new full export. Allthough fo my current project it isn't too big of a deal, it may be a big hassle in the future if I use a lot of plugins. Is it possibly to copy just the libgideros.a file to get some of the bug fixes? It would be really helpful if the release notes said which files were updated (ex:lsqlite3.c for iOS) so that we could manually update those without overwriting other things.


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