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Common In App Billing Interface - Page 6 — Gideros Forum

Common In App Billing Interface



  • Hi All

    I have managed to test purchase and restore functionality but I have yet to work out how to apply a refund in our game.

    The e:getType() function always returns "purchaseComplete", even after Google sent an IAB cancellation confirmation email. Is there something that I am doing wrong, or not doing? Please help!! This is the last bit of testing I need to complete before the big release.

    Thanks in advance.
  • hi there,

    Did you register event listener for error to IAB object?
    iab:addEventListener(Event.PURCHASE_ERROR, function(e)
    			AlertDialog.new("Purchase Canceled", e.error, "Ok"):show()
  • hi there,

    Did you register event listener for error to IAB object?
    iab:addEventListener(Event.PURCHASE_ERROR, function(e)
    			AlertDialog.new("Purchase Canceled", e.error, "Ok"):show()
    @talis I have this event registered already. This works fine when the user cancels the purchase or when something went wrong elsewhere.

    The situation I'm referring to is when the user wants a refund for a product after making a successful purchase. This would require the developer to manually cancel the purchase using his/her Google merchant account. This process can take a fair amount of time to complete. However, when it does complete the purchased item should be removed from the user's app. My question is: How do I achieve this?

    It may be obvious but I can't find a solution.

    I initially thought this could be done using restore. This works fine when the user uninstalls the app and then re-installs it.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @simwhi this functionality is not available yet, but it should be relatively easy to add, I'll add it, once I get tot he backlog of plugin updates ;)

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • @ar2rsawseen Many thanks for this.
  • @ar2rsawseen Thanks for the answer.
  • adityaaditya Member
    edited September 2015
    Are we able to restore using google billing v3 (IAB) now?

    [Edit]: iab:restore(); *duh*
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