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Busines App - filling in timesheet — Gideros Forum

Busines App - filling in timesheet

flyhereflyhere Member
edited August 2013 in Game & application design
Hi All,

New here at Gideros, coming over from Corona. I have been reading up forum notes to see if Gideros is a good tool to build a simple business app. Any pointers are appreciated.

The Timesheet app is pretty straight-forward: For people to report their weekly time.
What I need to do are the usual things you can think of for filling out a timesheet:
- Drawing a form-like template, multiple tabs would be nice;
- Simple text-boxes to enter data such as hours worked;
- Drop-down pick-lists for ease of data-entry of projects and tasks, billable Y/N
- Calendar may be for dates
- Buttons to save, submit, edit, etc., not sure if Gideros can do database. Ideally it saves the timesheet and sends to a database on the server;
- List of timesheets and their status: Saved, Submitted, Approved, etc., this means again I need to read the status from the server database and update my table.

I did find the Widget Candy library of text boxes and stuff, will read up more, haven't found any notes on the databese part. As I said, all pointers are appreciated.



  • Here is my idea so far (You need to find in this forum for more detail)

    - Drawing a form-like template, multiple tabs would be nice;
    - You can do it your self (DIY), but it is possible!

    - Simple text-boxes to enter data such as hours worked;
    - Yes : http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/3544/native-ui#Item_17

    - Drop-down pick-lists for ease of data-entry of projects and tasks, billable Y/N
    - DIY
    - Calendar may be for dates
    - DIY or you can using bridge (Lua call Objective-C or java) to call native calendar in both ios and android
    (ios bridge: Bhwax make by @bowerhaus, android bridge make by @javi and @ar2rsawseen )
    - Buttons to save, submit, edit, etc., not sure if Gideros can do database. Ideally it saves the timesheet and sends to a database on the server;
    - Button, yes, in sample code.
    - Database - can using sqlite or json!
    - Server: using rest call or http call (Something like that http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/1058/gideros-rest-api-library#Item_16)
    - List of timesheets and their status: Saved, Submitted, Approved, etc., this means again I need to read the status from the server database and update my table.

    - About table: Draw it your self :P

    To sum up: i think it is possible for you to do application in Gideros. It is lack of widget but you can DIY (Draw it or call native widget via bridge or plugin system) and looking up from forum members!

    Coming soon
  • Thanks. I can easily draw the tables myself, and the buttons. I was wondering if there are 3rd-party tools or libraries that will cut down the time for these mundane but basic stuff.
  • Hi @flyhere

    Having done this a few times now for different apps, first in Corona and a couple of apps in Gideros - my recommendation is to use a MVC approach. The model and controllers are in the Lua runtime, and the views are either using the OpenGL viewports for graphics heavy views and various webview viewports for the form heavy views. Using WebKit makes creating forms and especially text rendering super easy, and you don't have to deal with boring mundanities like popping up specific keyboards or password fields etc, and tabbing through various textfields are handled automagically.

    The data is passed back to Lua, which then handles all the state and persistence and network operations etc.

    I recommend having a look at Zurb Foundation 4 http://foundation.zurb.com (which also is a mobile-first responsive layout, with one break for phone to tablets, so you can design a layout that re-layouts for both), and also the widgets in http://getuikit.com

    I do my templating using Lustache, which is a lua port of the mustache templating engine. https://github.com/Olivine-Labs/lustache - templating also means that I can handle i18n pretty easily as well.

    YMMV, but it's worked very well for me.

    - Ian
  • Hi @ianchia,

    Thanks for the info, the zurb foundation website is horrible to browse through, I gave up after a while. getuikit looks promising.

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