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How do I create Common Game Hierarchy? — Gideros Forum

How do I create Common Game Hierarchy?

Sush19Sush19 Member
edited August 2013 in General questions
Hello can any one help me out for this simple and useful stuff for all game developers on Gideros.

The Question Common Game Hierarchy, which means:
all games contains scenes based on the games requirements..

But I think there are Five basic scenes for all simple game

That are:

Scene 1 : Developer Info (Say name or Logo)
This scene should display for 5 seconds, after that It should display scene 2

Scene 2 : The loading screen, It shows that game is loading
once the game is loaded, then it should display next scene, i.e scene 3

Scene 3 : This scene should be Welcome Screen. i.e displays game name and some informations and with play button
when the play button is touched it should allow the user to play the game.

Scene 4 : This scene contains the game, and user can play game on this scene and on completion of the game
the user should be redirected to the last scene, which shows the summary of the game the user played
i.e showing total score, bonus and all.

Scene 5 : The summary of the game with a replay button.
when the user touches the replay button then it goes to the Scene 2 and starts the game as a loop..

Hope this question is pretty much clear.
If any one can just do this kind of interface the hope it will help out all the new developers to get started..

Please provide such interface, I'm waiting for this..

I don't think this will take more time to develop this kind of interface, just a interface...

Please someone do it for me and all new developers

Thank you very much.... :) :) :)
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