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Movieclip current frame — Gideros Forum

Movieclip current frame

gianmichelegianmichele Member
edited August 2013 in General questions
Is there a way to get which frame is currently playing on a MovieClip object? I need to use it to correctly blend some animations in an out ;)


  • Not currently, but we already added this idea to the internal roadmap to set keyframes which would probably dispatch events in which you can launch some code
  • edited August 2013
    May I suggest you to just add several stops, that do what you wanted AND play it again?

    I thought of that some minutes again when pondering how to make audio synced with complex movieclips.
    I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com
  • I may be over-thinking my hack, but could I add a property to the Movieclip class that I then tween at each frame? I remember a couple of snippets to tween any property in Gideros :P

  • @gianmichele but you can also tween MovieClip itself:
    local mc = MovieClip.new{
    	{1, 100, sprite, {x = 50, y = {50, 150, "inBounce"}}}
  • Yep, I know but I was trying to get the tween to actually return the frame the animation was playing.

    The thing is I'm trying to implement proper blending for animation going for example a walk to a stand and for this to be smooth I need to know what frame is playing so that i can decide if I want to go to stand from the left or the right foot and how many frames I really need. I know this sounds overcomplicated, but hey, I'm an animator :D

    I've solved with TNT Animator for now, though I would have preferred to use Movie Clip being the library not maintained anymore :(
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