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Roadmap Query — Gideros Forum

Roadmap Query

OZAppsOZApps Guru
edited September 2013 in General questions
I guess this is a question that comes in time and time again. @Atilim, I guess we would have OpenGL 2.0 soon that could offer shaders, masks, etc.

However, could we have multiple stages? While we need Gideros to keep up with the least common denominator (Android) it would be lacking the latest and greatest features that are released with newer iOS versions like the SpriteKit, access to the Quartz fx, and most importantly native elements as OpenGL does not support those and are just a layer on top of OpenGL.

Question, What would we get with the new release and in the short term (3/6 months) it helps to pitch projects or undertake projects accordingly if one is aware of things that could be available soon.

I guess the competition is heating up with Unity offering 2D (earlier it was not easy as compared to working with 3D), Titanium has the Lanica extensions, Many of the Bogdan Vladu tools (Sprite Helper, Level Maker type are now part of the Lanica toolset), Augmented reality demo from C*SDK looked really amazing. While Gideros has made great strides with @Ar2rsawseen's efforts in the Lab releases, better confidence needs to be build in Gideros.

As is, in terms of features, could we get Windows Phone and Desktop building? That would be amazing (specially if we could compile for WIndows Phone without having the need of using Visual Studio and Windows, like requiring a Mac for iOS builds/uploading).

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