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What to use: self.something or local something? — Gideros Forum

What to use: self.something or local something?

eezingeezing Member
edited October 2013 in General questions
New to Lua and Gideros and have a question about classes:

function button:init()
self.texture = Texture.new("texture.png")
self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(self.texture)

-- or --

function button:init()
local texture = Texture.new("texture.png")
local bitmap = Bitmap.new(texture)

Let me see if I understand this correctly:

'self.texture' and 'self.bitmap' would be tables that belong to the button class?

'local texture' and 'local bitmap' are variables that belong to the 'function button:init()'?

They both appear to work, so what is the better method and why? Or maybe I just got this all wrong?

Thanks in advance for the help!


  • MellsMells Guru
    edited October 2013 Accepted Answer
    I don't think the second works, because self.bitmap does not exist.
    Should be the following instead :
    After that change, both versions would work.
    The difference is that the first version allows you to keep an easy access to the texture and the bitmap outside of the function, which is not possible in the second case.
    Understanding that subtlety means a lot.

    You can learn more by studying the following link : Scope Tutorial at lua-users.org.

    So you need to know which variables you are going to need again, later.
    function button:init(texture) 
        local tempCount = 5
        for i = 1, tempCount, 1 do
            print ("count : ", i)
        self.texture = texture
        self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(self.texture) 
        tempCount = 1
    local myTexture = Texture.new("texture.png")
    local myButton = button.new(myTexture)
    print ("myButton texture >", myButton.texture) -- Is possible thanks to the line : self.texture = texture
    print ("myButton bitmap >", myButton.bitmap) -- Is possible thanks to the line : self.bitmap = bitmap
    Notes :
    • to enjoy more flexibility, you see I gave the texture as a parameter to your button init().
    • In this case I didn't need to do anything with tempCount, but as you can see this is not necessarily something that I am going to need later so it makes sense to keep it local.

    'self.texture' and 'self.bitmap' would be tables that belong to the button class?
    That belong to the instance of the button class you are creating.

    'local texture' and 'local bitmap' are variables that belong to the 'function button:init()'?
    I would not say that "belong" is the right word. The scope of those variables is local to the init() function which means they are not accessible from outside of the init() function.

    Do those answers cover your questions?

    [Please someone correct me if/where I'm wrong]
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  • @Mells is completely correct

    In most cases, if you need to use the value stored in variable in other methods, etc you store it as self.property
    but if you just create and forget about it, then you can make it local
  • @Mells

    oops, yep that second one was supposed to be 'self:addChild(bitmap)'... typo.

    Thanks a lot for the thorough explanation... I'm starting to grasp the scope concept.
  • NinjadoodleNinjadoodle Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi guys

    Just found this thread and I understand the difference between .self and local.

    I do have one question tho ...

    I have some sprites that I need to assess between functions, yet other just sit there.

    Is there any downside / performance issues in setting everything as self. ?

    Should I still be setting the ones I don't need to local?

    Thank you in advance!
  • piepie Member
    Yes, you should use local everytime you can: it's faster, and it gets collected as soon as it is no longer referenced.
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