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(how) can i share a file generated by my app and then send it back to my app when opened? — Gideros Forum

(how) can i share a file generated by my app and then send it back to my app when opened?

keszeghkeszegh Member
edited December 2013 in General questions
In my animation app 'Fragmenter' the animations are saved into their own format (and extension), i want to include a share option so that when e.g. a button is pressed then this file is opened with whatever share app (gmail e.g.) one chooses and attaches the file to the email automatically.
Then as a next step if one receives such an email and opens the attachment having the given extension, then i want it to be offered to be opened in my app, and when i choose my app then it loads the file in from the attachment.

Do you have any idea if this can be done and how? (i need it on android) I don't even know how to start.

For the second part probably i need to register some kind of intent etc, but i still have minimal knowledge about android. Also i wonder from the above how much can be done from within gideros without a plugin and for which part do i need a plugin, and what should that do.

Thanks a lot


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