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Conflict between application.getDeviceInfo() and os.clock() ? — Gideros Forum

Conflict between application.getDeviceInfo() and os.clock() ?

krl3000krl3000 Member
edited December 2013 in General questions
Take the following simple program:

local s = os.clock()
local os, v = application:getDeviceInfo()
print(os, v, s)

If I run this, it works. However, if I reverse the first two lines like so:

local os, v = application:getDeviceInfo()
local s = os.clock()
print(os, v, s)

I get the following error:

main.lua:2: attempt to call field 'clock' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
main.lua:2: in main chunk

At least the workaround turned out to be simple enough since I didn't need to execute the two lines in that order, but is this a bug in Gideros?


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