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Gideros next release - News? — Gideros Forum

Gideros next release - News?

MellsMells Guru
edited December 2013 in General questions

just curious to know what's coming in the next release?
Is there a preview of what's currently in development available (not a roadmap, just "coming next").
Maybe for Indie/Pro users?

Not that I need anything new currently, but always interested in Gideros-related news :)

twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    edited December 2013 Accepted Answer
    Sure, here we go
    we still kind of can't finish the 2013.series so for now it seems that there will be 2013.12 release
    In parallel we are working on Gideros 2.0.

    So first about 2013.12 release, there will be mostly bug fixes as
    fix for Render to texture on Tegra GPUs and then
    sound fix for ios, when using up more than 32 channels,
    and for accelerometer axis confusion, you could check real device orientation.
    Also Automatic image resolution will now get the closest image rather then base image.
    Then it will also include x86 binaries on Android, which would make it compatible with some specific android tablet processors, but I don't know if that would benefit many, because usually these processors could emulate android armv.
    And I think that Box2D engine was upgraded to latest version.
    Most probably I missed something and there was some more fixes or additions.

    And about Gideros 2.0
    As you already know in current developer preview we have OpenGL2ES graphic engine and some basic support for shaders in Mesh.
    Now internally we have finished LuaJIT implementation and will finish some other bug fixes and will release new developer preview version with LuaJIT most probably after 2013.12 version

    Then we have an agreement with a third party platform independent sound engine developers and we will integrate their sound engine in Gideros, which would
    1) give much more flexibility and features that our current engine could not
    2) fix all the bugs we have with current sound engine
    3) making it easier for us, as this sound engine will be supported by third party developers

    We are also thinking on some API changes and additions in Gideros 2.0, that would either provide easier development, or improve efficiency and code quality.
    For example event ENTER_FRAME would be only executed if it is added to the stage tree (same as touch events). Because as we noticed from support and code reviews, most developers do not remove it on scene end, and while it will be collected and removed by itself, it won't happen instantly (as per Lua gc), thus if you do some heavy stuff inside on enter frame, it will still be executing for some time after you close the scene.
    There are also some additions to MovieClip, and api changes of other classes and new events, but we are also thinking on backwards compatibilities and solutions to provide them.

    On the overal side, we are also preparing a way to collect crash reports on our server, for us to analyze bugs and fix them internally, and if all works great we will extend it and share reports with premiums members, later also adding the reports for Lua errors, which developers are probably interested the most.

    Likes: Mells, atilim, bml

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  • MellsMells Guru
    edited December 2013
    I'm glad I asked, thank you :)
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • Sure, I just did not know what might interest you the most, so if you have any questions about any specific feature I mentioned, please do tell :)
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited December 2013
    @ar2rsawseen you haven't forgot anything :) that's all with the next release.

    Also we'll be providing LuaJIT binaries to paid users with the next release.

    Likes: bml

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  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    And here is some info on providing x86 binaries: http://commonsware.com/blog/2013/11/21/libhoudini-what-it-means-for-developers.html

    TL;DR Although x86 devices can run ARM binaries through ARM translation layer (libhoudini), providing x86 binaries can bring 3x speedup.
  • @atilim
    regarding shaders, is this ebook in the wiki for (the insanely good) Codea relevant to how we should expect to write shaders for Gideros 2?
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    edited December 2013
    Oh yes most of it seems relevant, except the part where they try it out in Codea, because Gideros has a little bit different Lua API to use shaders, and I think the default color, vertex, etc variables that are passed to GLSL are named differently, as
    attribute vec4 POSITION0;
    attribute vec4 COLOR0;
    attribute vec2 TEXCOORD0;
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