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.lua vs .json : Automatically clear the Gideros temporary folder? — Gideros Forum

.lua vs .json : Automatically clear the Gideros temporary folder?

MellsMells Guru
edited December 2013 in General questions
Hi all,

I am testing using .lua files vs .json files to hold settings for my apps.

I found that every time I modify a .json file locally, the changes are reflected in the app after I relaunch the player.
However for .lua files, I need to clear the temporary files (at $TMPDIR) so that the changes are reflected in the app.
It has become cumbersome.

I am not 100% affirmative that this is what happens because I have no idea how things work, but sometimes when I refresh the player the changes are not applied it seems.

So to clear any doubt, my questions would be :
  • Is there a way to prevent the app from caching those *.lua files (during development)?
  • Or maybe a way to clear that cache everytime the player is launched?

SIDE NOTE : By the way I think there is a mistake in the knowledge base :

on Mac OS X (Open console and type "open $TEMP" without quotes, then navigate further): ./gideros/[YOUR APP NAME]/documents/
should be :

on Mac OS X (Open console and type "open $TMPDIR " without quotes, then navigate further): ./gideros/[YOUR APP NAME]/documents/

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