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Best app store — Gideros Forum

Best app store

HarrisonHarrison Member
edited December 2013 in General questions
Which app store should I make my goal? For example, do people spend more money on apple store than android? Would a good strategy be to submit my app onto android, let it get popular, and then buy a mac and sell it on apple? I was just sort of wondering about this and dont want this to become a war like apple vs. android debates do . @-) So please base your posts on logic, knowledge, and past experience. Thanks!
“ The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. ” - Tom Cargill


  • MellsMells Guru
    edited December 2013
    The best answer you will get here is.. "it depends".
    It depends :
    - if you expect to make money front-end or back-end
    - if you're building a brand
    - if you intend to localize your apps (very important. For instance if we look at AppAnnie for number of Android devices vs Apple in south/east Asia)
    - if you want to find partners and white label your app
    - if your app fits better with one platform than another one
    - if it's a utility app, a game, a business app, etc
    - if the same kind of app has already been featured in one app store than another, etc...
    - if it integrates with other famous apps
    - etc

    It depends!

    If you have the datas ready, then it's easier to take that decision and prioritize.

    I know it doesn't help that much but telling you "Apple store!!!" or "Android Store (well Google play)!!!" would be nonsense and a waste of both our time ;)
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • My recent launch went like this:

    Released to Apple and was rejected because I forgot to attach my IAPs. Rookie mistake. Resubmitted.

    A few days later, on December 10th, released to Google Play and Amazon. I promoted the Google Play version to some of my friends. The Apple version was out a couple days after this. I had about 15 Google Play downloads and 1 Amazon download.

    Over the weekend the Google Play downloads went up to 20, Amazon held steady and Apple hit 300. I didn't promote the Apple release.

    Got many crash reports via Crashlytics. Only one of the crashes was in my code, the rest were in libs and frameworks. I'm still trying to fix an iOS crash on suspend. I fixed most of the crashes in the first 24 hours and pushed out a bug fix release. Google Play was updated in a few hours and I've since pushed four additional releases with a lot of new functionality. Meanwhile I'm still waiting for Apple to review my first bug fix release and with the holiday break and the long review process it's probably next year before the current feature set gets into the store.

    Based on my experience, unless your process is mature and your product is well defined and has minimal defects, I think Google Play is the best platform to target first. Mainly because you can quickly iterate and get your product polished quickly. I get feedback from my customers or find a bug and I can fix it and push it out in a few hours.

    Based on the fact that you asked this question, my suggestion is to target Google first and once your product is stable and you're happy with it, then release it to Apple. If possible, I would still develop both together, just delay the Apple release until it's ready. This will reduce your stress and improve your customer experience.

    Good luck!

    Likes: Mells

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  • both google play and appstore are great and developer can earn good amount of money from both the store. the only thing depends is how good your app is, how much marketing efforts you can put and the most important how much patience you have or how you can balance your personal and professional life never never never giveup just continue your work even after lot of failure.

  • The day one I received 275 download from app store and 5 download from play store.
    Now, after a month, I have about 500 download from app store and about 4000 download from play store so for my experience play store is better. I have fixed a critical bug after some hours but in app store is already under review....


    I have more friends with Android and I have received two good review from italians blog (my country) and I have 90% of download from The italy and I reach other country with slideme (3000 download) and Samsung store.


    The day one app store was better. Now android is better but with a lot of promotions so I think app store give more quickly visibility but you have to do a lot of promotions.
  • You guys are very helpfull ! =D> I think I am going to try for google play first. Oh,and I don't have a android phone. Does this matter at all?
    “ The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. ” - Tom Cargill
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