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Can I have custom texture packing? — Gideros Forum

Can I have custom texture packing?

edited January 2014 in General questions
I saw the "TexturePack" class is the only way to have a texture atlas and also support MovieClip

But it has some issues.

First, the fact I must load it dynamically with lots of files (to me it sounds loading times of the game would skyrocket)

Or that I must use a weird .txt file of sorts.

Also the manual is unclear about what happen with multiple resolutions.

Also the manual is unclear about this: [options: (table, optional) A table that specifies optional paramaters. Currently, "transparentColor" and "format" fields are supported.] giving no explanation of transparentColor and format do.

Also explaining what I want to do: I want the user to save my levels in a json file, this part already work, without animation. I plan in saving MovieClip instructions in that Json, so that the level editor (person, not the tool) can decide on animations in general (not only in frame sequences, but also objects movements, rotation, alpha, etc...)

Originally I thought it would be good idea to put all animation definitions there, now I am unsure, specially because Gideros texture pack system only supports literal packing description, nothing else, so maybe I don't need to put it in the Json, but I am mostly unsure of what I should do now.

So any suggestions? Clues? HEEEEELP?

Also very important but somewhat minor question: is missing @4 file loading @2 (instead of @1) support done yet? This way we can do some animations have @4 and others only @2 and free up some precious memory. (@4 animations can quickly result in several 2048x2048 files)
I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com


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