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Can I edit files outside Gideros sandbox on desktop? — Gideros Forum

Can I edit files outside Gideros sandbox on desktop?

edited January 2014 in General questions
I want to make a map editor for my game, and I am considering using gideros itself... (instead of say: QT + OpenGL, or Allegro, or something like that).

But, can I somehow edit files outside Gideros sandbox? Otherwise it would not be a very good map editor, having to navigate to exotic system folders to find what you edited.
I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com


  • Both Lua File System plugin and Lua works with absolute paths, so can read/write any file as long as program has sufficient permission.

    Here is what I tested on my windows and it worked
    function listdir (path)
    	for file in lfs.dir(path) do
    		if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
    			local f = path..'/'..file
    			print (f)
    file = io.open("c:/test/test.txt", "w")
    file:write("Hello World")
    listdir ("c:/test")
  • Instead of spending time creating a map editor, why not use an existing solution (Tiled) and focus on your game? :)
    Loon Games LinkedIn Facebook Twitter - "Something bit me, gaah!"
  • aditya my game is a point and click adventure :) The maps are mostly hand drawn by the artist, and the map editor actually is not to draw the map, it is to code the logic of the puzzles. (code in the sense, connecting keys to keyholes... there level designers don't have to know how to code anything at all, only what each object do)
    I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com
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