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Using Parse to update data and push notifications — Gideros Forum

Using Parse to update data and push notifications

phillphill Member
edited January 2014 in General questions
Hello again everyone (and @ar2rsawseen), I'm creating a turn-based game and have been looking around a while for a way to do this in Gideros. I looked a bunch at Parse to see if it is viable and I want to get a few things straight. First, I would like to be able to create rooms for games that each turn a player will manipulate data in. After the turn, the player would upload the new state and push a turn notification to the next player. Is this what the general flow should look like?

Second, I'm going to try to use the REST API from Parse to interact with the server and send push notifications. I've looked a ton at the gideros restful APIs on github, but I'm not at all experienced in things like this. I get the basic idea but I don't really know all the ideas. Can someone kickstart me by showing an example so I can sort out the rest?

Third, this should be fairly easy, but to what extent can I use the Notification plugin to interact with the Parse push? I know (from reading some stuff on this forum) that by simply adding the Parse SDK to the Android project that I can receive the pushes, but can I get data from them or is that not possible without a plugin?

Thanks a ton!


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