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Is a script still running on remote device? — Gideros Forum

Is a script still running on remote device?

CitizenKCitizenK Member
edited January 2014 in General questions
Is there a way to know if a script is still running on a remote device?

I would like to start my script on a remote device with:

gdrbridge setip {remote device IP}
gdrbridge play {gideros project filename}

and then have a loop returning the output as long as the script is running remotely, by calling:

gdrbridge getlog

But there seems to be no way to know when the script has finished, to end the loop?

The only workaround I'm using is to end the script always with a defined print "script ended" and parsing for either this or an error message to stop the loop.

Is there a better way to know when a remote script has finished?


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