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How to perform 3D-rotation of the sprite? — Gideros Forum

How to perform 3D-rotation of the sprite?

romkaromka Member
edited February 2014 in General questions
I want to rotate sprite around the its axis with "perspective" effect. In this case rectangle sprite should be transformed to trapezoid. The visual effect which I want to reach is shown on picture: image

Visual effect from the right part of this picture can be reached by simple Sprite:scaleX(), but it is not what I want.

I've experimented with meshes and transformation matrixes. Meshes is not useful for this task: by using mesh I can create trapezoid filled with texture, but this texture won't be transformed to trapezoid

My experiments with transformation matrix were more succesfull I could reach the effect like this: but it is not something that I wanted...

Is it possible to perform such visual effect as I want? I saw this discussion: http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/3775/is-it-possible-to-flip-a-sprite-with-a-3d-effect/p1, but haven't found answer for my question there.


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