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Gideros News — Gideros Forum

Gideros News

denizdeniz Maintainer
edited February 2014 in General questions
A little update on whats going on behind the scenes.

We (Deniz and Atılım) are getting ready for a awesome trip.
We are going to a magically place where lots start ups can get super boosts with resources and investment in hopes that it will also help Gideros to grow.

Basically we are going to San Francisco, USA (and couple of other places) in March and will spend there almost a month.
We will be attending Game Developers Conference. http://www.gdconf.com/ So if you are also there send us a note and we can meet.

As you may have guessed there development will be much slower and responses from Atilim may be delayed during that time.

We really wanted to push an update before it. But unfortunately it seems close to impossible to do so, due to the amount of work needed to be done to get into U.S. and arranging meetings.
So there may be a noticable delay for next update but Arthurs will still be here with you all this time, helping as much as he can. As always:)

So wish us luck.

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