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Problem with scrolling background — Gideros Forum

Problem with scrolling background

rnodalrnodal Member
edited February 2014 in General questions
Hello all,

I'm trying to get familiar with Gideros and I chose to make a clone of flappy bird since it is a simple game to make.

I have a scrolling background and it works as long as I don't leave the player (Running directly on the device: Android 4.4 Moto X) but the moment I leave the app and comeback to it the ground is gone.

The way I'm implementing my ground is as two groups of tiles. Once group 1 has moved to the left by x amount I move it to the right of group 2. Once group 2 has moved to the left by x amount I move it to the right of group 1. Repeat.

( Feel free to suggest a better approach :) )

Like I said, it works fine but leaving Gideros player (on the device) and coming back to it causes the ground to disappear.

Anyone has any idea what could be the reason?

Thank you very much for your time.


  • I have the same problem if background image is too big. It seems a memory problem when texture is loaded in Gideros Player.

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  • Unfortunately I'm not using big images. I'm tiling a small image several times and add it to a group then do it again and add it to another group. Then I do the shuffling I mentioned above.

    I tried this also using an actual Android package build and it suffers from the same problem. I will debug it further but if anyone has experienced the same and solved it please let me know.

    Thank you.
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