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Android export error — Gideros Forum

Android export error

FishFish Member
edited March 2014 in General questions
My game immediately closes after the gideros splash screen yet runs in the giderosPlayer. The last warning it gives me on the logcat is "showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection". Anyone ever run into this 'error'? Its accually marked as a warning and not an error but its the last thing i get every time.


  • FishFish Member
    Found the error. the files i was saveing the highScores in wasn't created in the exported version of the app, but in the giderosPlayer the files were already created. file = io.open("|D|game"..index..".txt","r") does not create a new file...
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @Fish can you try
    file = io.open("|D|game"..index..".txt","w")
    You need to use write permission to create a file when it does not exist ;)
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