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Deprecation of the Standalone Android Google AdMob SDK — Gideros Forum

Deprecation of the Standalone Android Google AdMob SDK


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Yes been ranting about this on the forum for the couple of times now :D

    Especially love the part:

    "Google Play services offers automatic service updates via the Google Play store, so you get the benefit of always being on our latest and greatest mobile ads library without the hassle of having to update your apps."

    When in reality this will mean that they update something, that won't be compatible with your current Google Play service lib, thus you will be REQUIRED to udpate your app with new services libs :D

    Or that other devices as Kindle will require to have Google Play services installed on the device in order to show ads, how cool is that? :D

    Likes: hgvyas123

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