Hello folks,
Here is one idea that we have been throwing internally and would like to get your feedback if that would be something useful for you and maybe you will have some more interesting additions.
So the idea is to allow to set rendering priorities to Sprites/Sprite hierarchies.
As in, for example, you create a prototype, it runs ok both on low end phone and high end phone. Then to make it more polished, you add some juicy stuff, as particles. And suddenly it starts getting slower on low end phone.
So what if you could set a lower priority on Sprites layer for particles, so that on low end phones they won't be rendered at all? Making it run faster.
Basically this way you could control which layers are rendered on three phone categories (high, mid and low end phones) in descending order (not a conditional order, that if that phone use that layer, although its debatable).
So any thoughts on it? Will it be useful, would you use it? What would be the decision behind the phones resources?
Or even decide if its a tablet?
I think with that, it is enough.
Other way for example, it could be an api to query device class type, like
it turn off those extra sprites.
Also you can set how far apart(millisecond) each checking will be.