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Trying to test Ads plugin for Android — Gideros Forum

Trying to test Ads plugin for Android

SimplesAppsSimplesApps Member
edited May 2014 in General questions

Hello @ar2rsawseen

I'm trying to build a project in Eclipse with Ads plugin for Admob.
I've followed the steps in the http://docs.giderosmobile.com/interface/ads but it's not working.

This is a mess.

Please, let me know what I have to do in order to resolve it.

I have the next different kind of errors:

Description Resource Path Location Type
AdListener cannot be resolved to a type AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 228 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
AdRequest cannot be resolved to a variable AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 242 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
AdSize cannot be resolved to a type AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 23 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
AdSize cannot be resolved to a variable AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 23 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
AdView cannot be resolved to a type AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 67 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
Builder cannot be resolved to a type AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 111 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
ConnectionResult cannot be resolved to a variable AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 204 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value' with value '@integer/google_play_services_version'). AndroidManifest.xml /MyGame line 29 Android AAPT Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
GooglePlayServicesUtil cannot be resolved AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 204 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
InterstitialAd cannot be resolved to a type AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 95 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
The import com.google cannot be resolved AdsAdmob.java /MyGame/src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/ads/frameworks line 14 Java Problem


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