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Any news on Gideros? — Gideros Forum

Any news on Gideros?

NascodeNascode Guru
edited May 2014 in General questions
Hi guys,

It has been a while since i post something on this forum, many works to do on my side. Good thing that new members come and help each other :D

Currently we have quite a few of Gideros projects on going in our studio. We are really productive using Gideros. And we are continuing Gideros as our engine of choice.

Now, I am quite curious on the state of Gideros. Latest version released early this year, and no update since then. Luckily, on our part there are no serious bugs except a little pain when working with sound (planned to be fixed with better audio engine on the future right?)

So, @atilim and @ar2rsawseen could you share something about your plan for Gideros? Please surprise us :D

Oh and hopefully Gideros could gain traction this year, with better traction, and better profitability, i hope many good thing happen in the future
have fun with our games~
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  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Last time I spoked with @atilim was before leaving and he was busy with support work and the plan was to then release the bug fix version and risk it by releasing it with new QT, and then completely concentrate on Gideros 2.0 version, changing to new compiler etc, so it would be possible to implement both new sound engine and desktop support.

    But, one of the fixes in bug fix version was merging of libraries, as they seem to clash on some devices, thus it means I would need to rebuild all the plugins and unfortunately can't do it from here, only when I will get back home.
    As while I'm a way, we can't sync with @atilim, can't catch each other online, so probably it is post poned for now.
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  • NascodeNascode Guru
    edited May 2014
    @ar2rsawseen Thank you for updated information, Mr. Arthur. Nice to know desktop support will be implemented on the future. Tell me if i and my studio crews could help for betterment of Gideros.

    ps: can you pm'ed your skype id to me? looks like i havent add your skype yet
    have fun with our games~
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @Nascode sure, skype id same as nickname on forum ;)
  • Hi @ar2rsawseen
    Good to know you are working on new features, also it would be good hear the rest of the Gideros team talk about it for people to have confidence of stay on Gideros (I know it's not their policy to promise things that will not fulfill, only to attract more developers), as there will be support and enhancements to the platform.
  • MellsMells Guru
    edited May 2014
    Hi everyone,

    some of you know that I've been (and will remain for some time) away from app development.

    However, for some reasons, I got some offers to get funds (+ potentially joining a team, but that's another thing) and each time the people involved wanted to work with Unity.
    As you know I have a real affection for Gideros, but I just couldn't come up with good arguments in its favor compared to Unity (the relative lack of updates and communication definitely didn't help me there : / But I know the team is doing its best).

    I wish things were different, I have invested so much time in Gideros (and I really like it and its community).

    So you might probably see my name somewhere (nothing is made yet, I have other priorities) and even on Unity forums, know that I'm still playing with Gideros when I have a few minutes and will definitely follow its development.
    Both tools can be useful in my arsenal.

    I'm curious : is anyone using both and in which cases did you find Gideros to be a better fit, or Unity to be a better one?

    Maybe @phongtt, @nascode, @ar2rsawseen?

    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
    Unity is too bulky and slow on mobile imho.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    My first argument (even for myself at first) was that Gideros is great for rapid prototyping (we even created a test that I could create a small game in about 5 hours, while on Unity the other guy did not finish it in one day), but then after creating a prototype I realized, hey the game is already here, lets finish it with Gideros.

    And I also never force anyone to use Gideros (especially if I'm not a developer at the project) and usually people decide to use the tools they are used to and have experience in (and in many cases it is Unity)

    And I'm myself quite often check out other engines, well basically only free ones as Appcelerator Titanium for apps, or pixi.js, or CreateJS or phaser.js, and keep up with them just even to see whats new and what can be taken to improve Gideros :)
  • HubertRonaldHubertRonald Member
    edited May 2014
    Hi @Mells
    I think it depends on the type of project you want to develop.
    If you want some fast and share a your friends :D or maybe understand some level of programming concepts in video game quickly, I use:

    (It has some code demos and you put play and ready!)

    But Gideros is fast for me too ;)
  • MellsMells Guru
    edited May 2014
    Gideros is fast especially when you have accumulated a set of reusable components, but around me only I know about it, so as @ar2rsawseen suggest I do not force others to use it. They liked what they saw but said "great! But Unity is a more reliable choice" (easier to hire experienced member).

    Please Gideros, rule the world so that I can say "I was a guru there, from the beginning." ;)

    @HubertRonald thanks for the link, that's interesting.

    Likes: Harrison

    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
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  • Hi @Mells,

    We are also using Unity on our team especially for 3D games. But, for 2D games we prefer workflow of Gideros. Features such as simple render to texture and test on device are the ones which help us become more productive. Plugin integration is not that hard albeit suffering lack of documentation.

    For our case, we have produced quite a few of prototypes and finished project - so we understand quite a bit about Gideros. The APIs are clean and easy, suitable for fast learning. We think Gideros got ease of use and powerful feature right. it's quite amazing that Gideros team consist only of 2-3 people.

    Really, the only downside of Gideros for us right now is not so many people know it. So we must convince clients to use Gideros.
    have fun with our games~
  • phongttphongtt Guru
    edited May 2014
    @Mells I'm glad to see you're back ;)

    I also read about other engines/frameworks but honestly I haven't tried them deeply enough to have a fair comparison to Gideros. I just found and believed that Gideros is among the best (though there are still many rooms for improvements)

    "Please Gideros, rule the world so that I can say "I was a guru there, from the beginning." <== like! :D
  • HarrisonHarrison Member
    edited May 2014
    Gideros is currently my favorite - but all i can compare to is love2d and a wee little but of c# (visual express).
    “ The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. ” - Tom Cargill
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