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Which is actually the best Leaderboard & achievement framework to be use with Gideros? — Gideros Forum

Which is actually the best Leaderboard & achievement framework to be use with Gideros?

SimplesAppsSimplesApps Member
edited May 2014 in Plugins

@ar2rsawseen Trying to put a leaderboard & achievement framework in my game I noticed that the Heyzap plugin is outdated because the current Heyzap SDK don't have now the Heyzap.bundle and Heyzap.framework folders (i.e. for iOS).

On the other hand it seems Heyzap have hidden the leaderboard and achievement functions in the web, focusing only in ads...

If it's not possible to use the Heyzap plugin because of this, which framework actually we could use to add a good leaderboard & achievement functionality to the game?



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