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Long time to upload — Gideros Forum

Long time to upload

rikolousrikolous Member
edited May 2014 in General questions
I am making my first app. I gave up a while back because it takes it a while to load whenever I start the app. For example, When I start it on the Gideros Player it takes 4 seconds to load. On my Galaxy Note 3 It takes about 15 seconds to load. Does anybody know why this might be? Will it always take this long to load? Will it happen to get faster in its final state? I don't think I am giving too complex of a code. Its all pretty basic. It seems to get longer the more .png files I use. Any help would be great.


  • HubertRonaldHubertRonald Member
    edited May 2014
    Hi @rikolous
    Could you clarify the question a little more? please

    Are you using texture packer for your image? and if it true,Have you sized it to 1024x104 as max?
    In properties of your project, do you use 30 or 60 FPS?
    What kind of library or source (sceneManager and so on) do you use in your project?
    Are you using image.png, image@half.png, image@2x.png in your project?
    What are screen dimensions objectives for your game?

    All above can influence the load of your application.
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