Hello, I'm trying to set up the latest Facebook plugin (for Android) which I was told was this one:
https://github.com/gideros/giderosplugins/tree/master/FacebookI downloaded the FacebookSDK from dependencies (facebook-android-sdk-3.14) and tested the example but I can't run it. I pasted the source/Android/libs and everything from src/com/giderosmobile/android/plugins/facebook to that example.
And I also modified:
- My main activity:
Added the lib System.loadLibrary("facebook").
Added the external class as "com.giderosmobile.android.plugins.facebook.GFacebook".
- res/values/strings.xml:
Added a string with name: facebook_app_id, value: Facebook
- AndroidManifest.xml:
Added a metadata with name: com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId, value:
@string/facebook_app_idAnd the problem is that when I run it on Eclipse with an Android device, I get a message saying my app has stopped, that's it. Please help.
use the binaries available with Gideros release in All Plugins folder as they are built specifically for the release you have installed
I also have a problem here.
I set up my plugins from "All Plugins" without problem, and I tested it fine. I use 3.14 Facebook SDK.
login/logout work, along with all getters.
I can retrieve from gideros all data about friends, pictures, profiles, scores perfectly.
I can't do any post though.
Here is the error for a postScore({lvl = 2000}):
From this page:
It appears that sharing operations on facebook require a specific "provider" in the manifest, but I can't start my player if I add it, because com.facebook.FacebookContentProvider is not found.
Has this change in Facebook SDK?
Any idea?
Thanks in advance
Also you need to include publish permissions when loging in
Likes: SinisterSoft
My app is a game on facebook dev website. And I login with publish_actions successfully (I see two facebook permission screen for read and write permissions at login).
I tried with: but it failed the same way...
Have you tried to install Facebook plugin from scratch on a new project recently?
Can you precise how you configured your Android project?
I include the facebook plugin + I also include the official facebook lib in the eclipse android properties (like you would for other things, eg google play).
I also have a facebook app page and id, that I use in gideros.
As for sharing, it is also required to add a FacebookContentProvider with my app id, but the package "com.facebook.FacebookContentProvider" does not exist in my facebook SDK...
Did you configure anything related to facebook in you Manifest?