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MovieClip crash — Gideros Forum

MovieClip crash

totebototebo Member
edited July 2015 in General questions
I get this crash and it seems to be to do with a MovieClip (don't worry, still love the MovieClip!). Could it have something to do with me not deleting each one individually? I currently only kill the main sprite which contains the MovieClips.

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libgideros.1.dylib            	0x0000000107d2bd81 typeinfo name for GReferenced + 0
1   com.appcodingeasy.Gideros Player	0x00000001079b9b17 void EventDispatcher::removeEventListener<EnterFrameEvent, MovieClip, EnterFrameEvent>(EventType<EnterFrameEvent> const&, MovieClip*, void (MovieClip::*)(EnterFrameEvent*)) + 327
2   com.appcodingeasy.Gideros Player	0x00000001079b6d0a MovieClip::oneFrame() + 234
3   com.appcodingeasy.Gideros Player	0x0000000107971872 EventDispatcher::dispatchEvent(Event*) + 162
4   com.appcodingeasy.Gideros Player	0x00000001079c730c Stage::enterFrame(int, double) + 732
5   com.appcodingeasy.Gideros Player	0x00000001079884ba enterFrame(lua_State*) + 218
6   liblua.1.dylib                	0x0000000107ce8e3f luaD_precall + 623
7   liblua.1.dylib                	0x0000000107ce2ffa luaD_call + 90
8   liblua.1.dylib                	0x0000000107ce8775 luaD_rawrunprotected + 85
9   liblua.1.dylib                	0x0000000107ce32c4 luaD_pcall + 68
10  liblua.1.dylib                	0x0000000107ce3257 lua_pcall + 279
11  libgideros.1.dylib            	0x0000000107d2adff lua_pcall_traceback + 175
12  com.appcodingeasy.Gideros Player	0x0000000107987e42 LuaApplication::enterFrame(GStatus*) + 98
13  com.appcodingeasy.Gideros Player	0x000000010792acdd GLCanvas::paintGL() + 45
My Gideros games: www.totebo.com


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