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App marketing/promotion ideas — Gideros Forum

App marketing/promotion ideas

uzubariuzubari Member
edited July 2015 in General questions
I have developed an English word game with Gideros, and From the first statistics I see that "some" players involved in the game. Some of them are already played the game more then 2000 times And there are many players who has played it several hundred times. (Each game takes two minutes)
This gives me a confidence for the future of the game. I believe that it has a chance if it meets with the players.
The problem is I do not know how to do this, Promoting it via admob seems inefficient for me. I have tried several CPC based ad campaigns with small amount of budget and it cost me around 4 USD for each install. Although I have a budget for marketing 4 USD per install is too high.

Is there an app promotion network that you can suggest which you believe has better performance? Or other methods of marketing a game?

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