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Dimming desktop screen — Gideros Forum

Dimming desktop screen

MysiaGamesMysiaGames Member
edited September 2015 in General questions

Is there any way to avoid the dimming on desktop computer?. My game uses gamepad controller input, so at 10 minutes the screen get blank. There is a Application:setKeepAwake(true) command, but only works for Android or iOS.


  • I think in 2015.09 setKeepAwake was added also to desktop
  • MysiaGamesMysiaGames Member
    edited September 2015
    After installing 2015.09, the executable game exported or the game running on Gideros Players hangs with a generic Windows error. This just happens when reach the line:

    require "controller"

    Gideros has in his directory Plugins the file controller.dll 08/09/2015 40Kb.

  • SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
    edited September 2015
    Does the controller lib work in the normal QT player on Windows?

    Also, do you mean with Windows Desktop export or Win32 export?

    (I'm just re-installing Windows on my main machine so can't test here).
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • It seems like the problem is the same with mine. Sometime it also hang, but sometime not.

    The controler would work fine when in export win32 though, so i guess it's not because of controller.

    @MysiaGames Can you try to turn off the controller lib, and see if it run or not?
    Mine is still not running.
  • In Windows when i comment the line require "controller" the game works fine (with keyboard control)

    In the other way i installed the 2015.09 version on my Mac. Exported executable Mac file works fine with the controller, but leaving from app generate a generic Mac error.

    I generate Windows Desktop executable on my my Mac, after testing on my PC, the executable doesn't load properly sending a generic Windows Error. After several tries, one of them load well and the controller works fine.

    It seems the new release 2015.09 is unstable still. The 2015.08 version doesn't result in these errors.

    I'll try win32 exported format to see what happens.
  • Well, win32 version works fine with controller. But i notice key ESC has disable, other keyCodes as UP,DOWN,RIGHT,LEFT and Z works fine.
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    You can launch win32 with controller plugin? Wow, did not know that :)

    I updated controller lib to newer version, so don't know, maybe that is the case.

    You can try to replace new controller lib with the one from the 2015.08 version to check if that is the case
  • tkhnomantkhnoman Member
    edited September 2015
    Can you try to delete gmedia.dll inside plugin folder, and check whether it run well even with controller?
    (It seems mine are working fine after i delete it)
  • MysiaGamesMysiaGames Member
    edited September 2015
    After replacing the controller.dll file with the 2015.08 version, the game works fine in Gideros 2015.09.
    Deleting the file gmedia.dll it seems doesn't take effect on the game.

    And setKeepAwake is working fine now also. Thanks ar2rsawseen and tkhnoman.
  • Ok, then I will revert back to previous controller plugin version
  • MysiaGamesMysiaGames Member
    edited September 2015
    In other way, my game on Gideros 2015.09 Mac executable export, results on a generic Mac error when i leave the program with application:exit(). This error appears a couple of seconds after the screen exit.

    That's not happens with previously Gideros version (at least with 2015.07.09)
  • @MysiaGames yes error on exit is a known bug and will be fixed in next version
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