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IAB implementation — Gideros Forum

IAB implementation

CreativeManixCreativeManix Member
edited September 2015 in Plugins
Hi All I am trying to implement IAB on my app. But the app crashes on my device, and I cant any information from the log.

The app is fine, without IAB. I am following the steps as per the plug-in description. However I am sure I am missing something.

(documentation "http://docs.giderosmobile.com/interface/iab#install_android")

1) Copy libs folder into your exported project
-> I assume the source folder is "All Plugins\iab\bin\Android\libs"
-> Target is /app /src/main/jniLibs / (I am not sure if the target is correct)
-> Looks like "libiab.so" file already present in the target location (under sub folders "armeabi","armeabi-v7a","x86")
-> So I skipped this step

2) Copy src folder into your exported project
-> I copied from "All Plugins\iab\bin\Android\src"
-> To "/app/src/"
-> so in target folder i have "android,giderosmobile,nokia,sec" folders and they contain .java, and aidl files

3) now i am using step for "GoogleBilling v3" (from the table in documentation)
-> added permission ""
-> on documentation "files" column, it has some files and folders listed. I am not sure why they are listed and I wanted to do with that.
-> so I assumed to copy those files and folders to SRC

I suspect the step 3. I am not sure if that is correct.

Please give me a hand.

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