Thats because coordinates in gideros are stored as 32bit floats (single precision), wheras the number you try to set would have required double precision (64 bits). Check with this online tool:
However this shouldn't prevent you from doing collision tests by checking if the position is inside some range.
That really make it impossible to determine whether the bottom of an object is just on the surface of the top of another. That puzzled me all day to figure it out. Finally,I solved it by keeping the position value in the object itself.
In your example, the difference starts at the fifth decimal. If you have to check your objects in ranges of a 10000th PIXEL (a pixel is actually the smallest amount that you can move an object on the screen), I don't believe your game design is appropriate.
Maybe you're missing the usage of >=, <= operators instead of ==?
However this shouldn't prevent you from doing collision tests by checking if the position is inside some range.
Likes: Holonist
If you have to check your objects in ranges of a 10000th PIXEL (a pixel is actually the smallest amount that you can move an object on the screen), I don't believe your game design is appropriate.
Maybe you're missing the usage of >=, <= operators instead of ==?