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particles ate my frames! — Gideros Forum

particles ate my frames!

billydbbillydb Member
edited November 2015 in General questions
I'm using tnt particles in my game but testing on low end devices it kills the frame rate with even a couple of emitters spewing just a dozen or so particles. What are people using for pfx? I know particle candy is an option but seems like they have gone dark so hoping there's another option, or a best practice for the tnt stuff, that I'm missing.



  • I use tntfx and I am happy about it, 24/30 particles should not be an issue but overall particles are "heavy": do you free () your emitters when you no longer need them?
  • I mostly re use them , so the main killer for me is two emmiters attached to the player that shoot smoke when touching the screen. I dont free them i just stop and start. I assumed you only need to free() them when you want to remove them completely?
  • Yes you're right, free them only if you don't need them anymore :)

    Other best practices include:
    Short particle life
    Small sized particle textures
    White textures png8 could speed up things - if you don't need translucency.
    Relation between texture and number of particles: sometimes with the right texture you can get optimal results with a small number of particles (either 3 could be enough).

    Apart from that, sometimes I have up to 12 emitters together for a sum of about 100 particles and there I start seeing some small lag on low end devices. Just to say it may not be tnt particles fault with such low numbers :)

    You can use Bh Leaky (you can find it on this forum) to make sure you're not leaving something behind.

    Are your particles defined as local? You don't need them to be global after assignment to emitter.

    Good luck! :)
  • Thanks, that's some good tips.
    I don't think i'm doing anything majorly wrong, as far as I can tell.
    Will keep digging.
  • @billydb - Maybe add an option for low particle emission in your options menu.

    Using small textures really does help. I have spent the last week coding my own simple particle system (and editor) and the framerate hit with large textures is very noticable.
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