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Android .APK Package - Page 2 — Gideros Forum

Android .APK Package



  • Thansk moopf and ar2rsawseen, I followed your guide and found the way to track error :)
  • Hi there,
    is there another way to build an apk from my Gideros project than using Eclipse?

    I've been messing around with it for a week now and was not able to export my project, so I am about to give it up and stop using Gideros (although I really love it).

    Using Eclipse is confusing, non-intuitive and annoying like hell -and I am not a beginner (developing games since more than ten years now), I just never worked with Java and Eclipse before, like many others here.

    According to other posts here, many users here are struggling with exporting their projects to install them on a real device, too. This is really a HUGE show stopper and an unnecessary obstacle for new Gideros users.

    I've been searching DAYS for tutorials, guides or explanation on how to export my Gideros project using Eclipse -but I could only find examples using the Gideros player and the Google dev pages are way too abstract. So meanwhile I wonder if there are ANY Gideros users out there who ever managed to finally deploy and publish their Gideros apps. Most of them seem to stay with the simple player solution.

    Honestly, you really need to find a better way to deploy Gideros projects. The Eclipse procedure is a real pain and highly error-prone. Even if you do nothing than just importing your Gideros project and try to export it, you get tons of confusing error messages and console warnings and have to dig through tons of articles and forums on the web to collect some useful information.

    I used to develop Corona apps for iOS devices and this was like a picnic compared to THIS procedure :-/

    I really love Gideros, and want to keep using it for my future projects -but there should be a better and more simple way to get my projects onto my Android device.

    Are there any other solutions than using Eclipse? Really, I can't tell you how I hate this piece of non-intuitive, confusing and touchy software after spending hours and hours trying to get a Gideros project onto my device -still without any success yet.
  • @MauMau really? It did not seem to be so problematic to me and gives you much better control on whats happening, rather than a closed ones where you can't access the exported Android project.
    Here you can update and add plugins and stuff, and add splash screens (even animated ones) and I can't imagine using something without access to the project.

    But still most probably there could be a way to automatically build the after importing to eclipse, just here on Gideros there is already lots of work to be done and we can't also work on more outer side out of the scope.

    There were some projects shared on the forum that could help achieving this. But you woulds till need to have your own key in the end to deploy to market, though.
  • Nevermind, I found a quick and easy solution to deploy Gideros projects to the device -without using Eclipse at all: :-)


    I agree that having the option to alter the code in Eclipse might be helpful for those who are already familiar with Java or Eclipse, but it's really hard to get into if you never used to do so before. The Google pages are not really helpful since they're often way too abstract. It would be much easier for Gideros newcomers if there would be simple to follow step-by-step guides here, not only covering the installation of Eclipse and the SDK, but all the way from the editor to how to deploy the project onto the device (or into the Google store). The first steps are always the hardest ones.

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