A stupid question, but till now I don't seem to find information somewhere. Hope someone know it

Supposed that I already have a game on AppStore. At least I know that I can port it and submit to other stores (of different platforms), i.e Nokia Ovi (J2ME, Symbian,...), Samsung/Amazon (Bada, Android,...).
Here the question is: is it legal to sell the game on Cydia store or some 3rd stores (which also allow user to install the game to iOS devices)??
I'd ask why you'd want to also sell a product on Cydia. I'm not sure what the market size is for Cydia apps but Jailbreaking seems to be becoming less and less of a issue, plus the ONLY reason I can see for actually bothering with Cydia is to release an app that Apple won't accept in their store, anyone with a Jailbroken ios device can still use the Apple app store
Just my $0.02
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
In here they have a kind of appstore which allows various easy transaction methods
(I'm just thinking of some solutions to reach as many users as possible, even a small amount)
@phongtt - I can appreciate that the whole app purchase process is a mess in a lot of far eastern countries, but do you have any stats on the number of jailbroken devices in your area, last time I checked the percentage of jailbroken devices was very small and getting smaller every day.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Yes, it's just a minor market in terms of users but better than nothing