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HTML5 apps and web links... — Gideros Forum

HTML5 apps and web links...

MobAmuseMobAmuse Member
edited November 2016 in General questions
@hgy29 I was just playing about with HTML5 export and noticed that any web links in my exported app like 'Visit Us' and 'Facebook' buttons don't appear to work like they do on mobile?

Any ideas?


  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    I remember that most browsers won't allow you to open an url outside of a 'click' event handler. Could it be something like that ?
  • MobAmuseMobAmuse Member
    edited November 2016
    Ah OK that sounds like it. Not a massive problem as I have since stuck the test app in an iframe which allows me to feed stuff around it.

  • I took out any buttons that link html pages.

    Here is what I have ended up with for now as a beta test version in an iframe.


    It runs on everything, even my big TV as is but I have noticed that on iPhone 5S and iPad Mini that it runs like a dog. Runs great on everything though else including Galaxy S7 Edge which is superb!

    All in it's about 24Mb which is not small but not Unity sized html5 at least anyway :)

    Great job on the html5 stuff guys hope it gets refined further over time with donations of course.

    Finally, I did also notice on another test app that touches.moved does not seem to work in html5, so in that particular app I can't swipe a scrolling moving menu with the mouse like I would my finger on mobile.


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