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tilemap object and tiled tile flip — Gideros Forum

tilemap object and tiled tile flip

piepie Member
edited October 2017 in Code snippets
Hi, [edit, I was totally wrong the first time :) ]
I just noticed that TileMap example doesn't support tile flips done by Tiled map editor.
Here's an updated tilemap example that supports them.

[edit - pushed to GitHub - https://github.com/piretro/Gideros-Tiled-Tilemap-Flip-Support/ ]
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  • @pie It's amazing!

    Right now I need this feature in tilemap.
    You have saved my day :)

    Likes: pie

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  • Hello!
    I'm using this to load my map now I'm not getting to test on android device it simply doesn't loads gets errors require bit not found...
  • piepie Member
    @Paulo777 You need to add bit plugin to your Android player, and I believe it should work. :smiley:
    You have to export project to apk, and change settings:
    in plugins tab select bit
    In the lower left corner from the dropdown select playeronly (no assets)
    Then export.
    The output apk should be a gidsrosAndroidPlayer with bit features.
    You will do the same to add other plugins when your project needs them.
  • Hello!
    @pie ... worked like a charm!!!
    Really Thank you! I had some difficulties on configuring the setting of exporting to android (create assigned keystore (thing I am used to), set up android sdk and java dev. kit...) facing errors of set up this things, and after all set up, my apk has been generated, I just transfered into my device, then I run it, it opened the android gideros player, and now I can run it through gideros studio. Oh, I also included biton in plugins... I don't know if it influenced but anyway I've included...

    Thank you
  • Sounds like you're all set up! Look forward to seeing your first game!
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • You don't need to import bit if you use the built-in bitwise operators, see:

    Likes: antix

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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