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Crash Report on Gideros 2017.4.1 — Gideros Forum

Crash Report on Gideros 2017.4.1

mertocanmertocan Member
edited July 2017 in General questions
I am getting following crash reports too many times. Does anyone have idea about it?


Crashed: Thread
0 AppleMetalGLRenderer 0x1ac7cef38 GLDContextRec::addRenderPassResources() + 24
1 AppleMetalGLRenderer 0x1ac7d2274 gldClearFramebufferData + 220
2 GLEngine 0x1a5c7874c glClear_Exec + 560
3 OnlineWordSearch 0x100eca228 ApplicationManager::renderLoop() (giderosapi.mm:921)
4 OnlineWordSearch 0x100eca150 ApplicationManager::renderLoop_s(void*) (giderosapi.mm:900)
5 Foundation 0x1914a62d8 __NSThread__start__ + 996
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18fa7568c _pthread_body + 240
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18fa7559c _pthread_body + 282
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18fa72cb4 thread_start + 4


  • mertocanmertocan Member
    edited September 2017
    I am still having this crash. Is it because of network or something? I have really no idea what is going on this crash.

    I am attaching the complete crash report file.
  • Also this one
    Crashed: Thread
    0  libobjc.A.dylib                0x186fc00a0 objc_retain + 16
    1  GLEngine                       0x19d3b0238 gliGetNewIOSurfaceES + 264
    2  AGXGLDriver                    0x19cb51778 (null) + 34380
    3  AGXGLDriver                    0x19cba7490 (null) + 7736
    4  AGXGLDriver                    0x19cb66980 (null) + 13220
    5  AGXGLDriver                    0x19cb66690 (null) + 12468
    6  GLEngine                       0x19d3aff9c gliPresentViewES_Exec + 192
    7  GLEngine                       0x19d3afe98 gliPresentViewES + 112
    8  OpenGLES                       0x18abc6c08 -[EAGLContext presentRenderbuffer:] + 80
    9  OnlineWordSearch               0x100097d20 -[EAGLView presentFramebuffer] (EAGLView.m:155)
    10 OnlineWordSearch               0x100eb14e0 ApplicationManager::renderLoop() (giderosapi.mm:926)
    11 OnlineWordSearch               0x100eb13dc ApplicationManager::renderLoop_s(void*) (giderosapi.mm:900)
    12 Foundation                     0x189084e68 __NSThread__start__ + 1024
    13 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x187605850 _pthread_body + 240
    14 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x187605760 _pthread_body + 282
    15 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x187602d94 thread_start + 4
  • Btw, Crash occurs on the newest version of Gideros also.
  • In your crash report there is 2.4% RAM available which is less than 50MB of the 2GB the iPhone 6s has. Maybe there's a memory leak somewhere?
  • I have checked again and there isn't any memory leak. Also, I am not getting those reports for Android.
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Looks like a crash within iOS OpenGL driver, from my experi nice it could be caused by memory outage or by threading issues (gl functions called concurrently from two threads or more)
  • mertocanmertocan Member
    edited September 2017
    Then I should check the memory leak again.
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