A quick info for those who haven't had a chance to check Gideros games on the new Ipad:
My game (Number Rush) version 1.0.0 runs just fine on it.
The device automatically scales to fit the fullscreen although I didn't prepare retina assests for it.
A few days ago v1.1.0 of the game was live on the appstore, it still runs fine but it only displays on 1/4 corner (top-left) of the device.
It turns out that we made a mistake by forgetting to disable the Retina option in project properties in Gideros IDE.
Hope it helps some of you to prevent future mistake like this.
Ideally you'd have image.png for the 3GS, image@2x.png for the 4(S) and the iPad2 and image@4x.png for the "new" iPad.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
@mykyl66 wrote a nice blog post about why you can run into problems with universal builds and the "new" Ipad.
As per the "universal" build, all my apps are, on Xcode is just a flag (plus a few details like icons & launch images): the real challenge is to get the Gideros settings right!
Likes: chipster123, gorkem, avo
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Setting Stretch & "Retina for iPhone" for the Gideros project does the job.
Exported for iPhone, and modified the Xcode setting to "Universal" seems to work fine if you like to have a universal iOS app.
The problem is setting stretch and "Retina for iPad" might look the same, but I guess
running in non retina mode on the new iPad is faster