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Event trigger vs. Timer. — Gideros Forum

Event trigger vs. Timer.

Hi guys,

Nice new forum! It's been a while... :D So, still hacking away at my game but I think I'm doing something shifty. I've gotten into a bad habit of wrapping my MovieClip animations into a timer so I can do something after the animation finishes. Ew right?

I have a feeling I should be using an event trigger to tell me that the animation is finished and I can go ahead with another piece of code or function. Try as I might I'm making a mangled mess of it. Any tips? This is the bad me:
function GameScene:myWeirdnessFunction()
	timer1 = Timer.new(2000, 1)
	timer1:addEventListener(Event.TIMER, function()
		-- My animation.
		mc1 = MovieClip.new{
			{1, 200, PLAYER, {y = {PLAYER:getY(), height/2, "linear"}}}
	end, self)
Pretty gross right? If the device is slow, things would get weird fast with this approach. Especially if the madness propagates and I start using it everywhere...

So, I'm guessing I need to do something along the lines of:
        self:addEventListener(Event.SOME_EVENT_TYPE, function() -- Where self is the game scene presumably.
		-- My animation.
		mc1 = MovieClip.new{
			{1, 200, PLAYER, {y = {PLAYER:getY(), height/2, "linear"}}}
	end, self)
Then I hook into that somehow to fire off the next function...

I feel like I'm close, but maybe I'm way off. :) Maybe mc1:addEventListener(args)?


  • olegoleg Member
    edited February 2018 Accepted Answer
    function speed_move(sprite,x2,y2,speed)
            speed=speed/1000*60  --60fps
            x1, y1 = sprite:getPosition()
            sprite.move = MovieClip.new{
                            {1, speed, sprite, {x = {x1, x2, "linear"},y = {y1, y2, "linear"}}}  
    		function moveout()
    			print("Event COMPLETE1") 
    		sprite.move:addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, moveout)   

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