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  • olegoleg Member
    edited May 2018
    keszegh said:

    "the English language has fewer words than my language"
    i wonder which is 'your language'
    @oleg, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dictionaries_by_number_of_words

    and even more i wonder how much of those words you would use (on the forum).

    my language is ukrainian
    Wikipedia indicates the number of words in only one dictionary issued by the occupation regime in those days(1970s - early 1980s) when the occupants banned the publishing of dictionaries and books Ukrainian

    in the last Ukrainian language dictionary I downloaded to make the game was about 500,000 words only those used without obsolete forms and titles

    and how many words I have not used on the forum - their number will be proportionally greater than in English.

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  • talistalis Guru
    edited May 2018
    @oleg i can easily say objectively, in your last posts, your english written posts are more than understandable for me. You even wrote some advanced sentences. Actually friendly speaking all your English posts are understandable for me.

    I personally encourage everyone here on forum to use English to communicate. It is good opportunity for everyone to increase their language skills also.
    I am speaking for myself, if the topic is not extremely important for me i am directly neglecting any post rather then English ,Turkish. This is how i behave usually, i would not bother opening google translate and try to understand any foreign language.
    (Even i know intermediate Ukrainian and advanced Russian)
  • olegoleg Member
    edited May 2018
    @talis "i can easily say objectively, in your last posts, your english written posts are more than understandable for me. You even wrote some advanced sentences. Actually friendly speaking all your English posts are understandable for me."
    - це не ваша заслуга

    "I personally encourage everyone here on forum to use English to communicate. It is good opportunity for everyone to increase their language skills also. "
    - коли я пишу українською це також можливість для тебе збільшити твої навички з Української

    This is how i behave usually, i would not bother opening google translate and try to understand any foreign language.
    - чому ти вважаєш що я повинен для тебе працювати перекладачем? якщо ти не переймаєшся щоб тобі було зрозуміло, я тимпаче не переймаюсь зрозуміло тобі чи ні.

    (Even i know intermediate Ukrainian and advanced Russian)
    я незнаю російської, але в тебе є нагода вивчити просунуту українську мову

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  • @oleg unfortunately you are being neglected by me as i described in my previous post.
    Good luck in your life.
  • olegoleg Member
    talis said:

    @oleg unfortunately you are being neglected by me as i described in my previous post.
    Good luck in your life.

    шовінізм -зло
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  • SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
    edited May 2018
    Hey, let's not have to try knock heads together! ;)

    With regard to this forum it doesn't matter which language has more words and why - if you are on a forum and want an answer to a question or just want to talk then maybe, just maybe, it's best to speak in a language that most understand (in one way or another).

    For some inexplicable reason, history seems to have decided that the language is English. So it's best (if you actually want an answer and it's not just a statement) that people posting messages should in that language.

    But in the end, if you chose to speak in your language then that is your choice. I personally often do go to the effort of copying the text to Google translate and reading the English version that it creates, but I suspect many won't. So you take that risk.

    Ideally, as @hgy29 said, it would be best if there was a google translate plugin on the forum. Given the advances that Google has made in AI over the last year I think that it will get better as they move from the existing engine to one with better AI.

    Btw, this post isn't directed at anyone in particular - so please don't take any offence as none is intended. :)

    Likes: keszegh

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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  • SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
    @Antix If you let google do it's app signing then I think what @Oleg meant was that depending on the device you have different app sizes - Google will only include what device libs are needed for the the processor within the phone. That is what must have happened with defold maybe? Or they only make libs for that particular processor - which is kinda crazy.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • piepie Member
    I think that using the same base language makes it easier to search & find answers. @SinisterSoft I don't know if an embedded translation plugin would check for each term in the search query in every known language, I don't think so :#

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • olegoleg Member
    edited May 2018
    @pie гугл перекладає пошукову фразу і шукає на всіх мовах, я ніколи не шукав на цьому форумі англійською мовою.

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
    @oleg so it looks like their Android build system only supports armv7-android, that's why they are so small compared to Gideros. Gideros exports arm (x2), x86 and mips, optionally also arm64, x64 and mips64.

    It looks like they can make an iOS ipa file directly though, which is nice. I wonder if the source code to bob is available?
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • piepie Member
    I am sorry @oleg I don't understand your language

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  • antixantix Member
    @pie I also don't understand @olegs language but I'm happy for him to use it :)
  • piepie Member
    @antix anyone can make his own choices: you're free to waste your time on gtranslator ;) I personally find rude to address someone in a language I know he can't understand.
    I think that if I want to speak with people from different countries is up to me to make me understandable, not up to them to make efforts to understand me :) as a community we had (have?) a shared language, and I'd like to stick to it: I believe that peace comes from the will to share with others, making some steps toward each other differences and finding a common ground.
    This is just my point of view, and I may be wrong, but until now history is on my side o:) .

    Likes: hgy29

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  • olegoleg Member
    edited May 2018 Accepted Answer
    pie said:

    @antix I personally find rude to address someone in a language I know he can't understand.

    you addressed me to a language that I do not understand

    Chinese 2 billion - you have to speak Chinese so that more people understand you

    you chamlo - I did not appeal to you and did not ask your opinion, you got into a dialogue that I did not lead with you

    ==!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not tell anyone in this forum what language he should say, why does every chauvinistic idiot point it to me?

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  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    oleg said:

    hypocrite, you addressed me to a language that I do not understand

    I may be wrong, but it looks like that was adressed to @antix, not you.
    oleg said:

    you got into a dialogue that I did not lead with you

    Well this is an open forum, not a private message.
    oleg said:

    ==!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not tell anyone in this forum what language he should say, why does every chauvinistic idiot point it to me?

    Nonsense, if we were chauvinist, I would write in French, @pie in Italian, etc
  • olegoleg Member
    "I may be wrong, but it looks like that was adressed to @antix, not you."
    -he blamed me for what he was guilty of

    "Well this is an open forum, not a private message."
    -you pull this phrase out of context, it was just about what was appealing to a particular person and the people who I did not turn to blame for began to blame me.

    "Nonsense, if we were chauvinist, I would write in French, @pie in Italian, etc"

    -people who indicate someone in which language he should speak are chauvinists

    Hitler liked the Italian language and the Hitler hated the Hebrew language ..
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  • talistalis Guru
    edited May 2018
    choose your words correctly and carefully @oleg. Never ever call someone that you don't know good behind a keyboard idiot. It is both rude and not acceptable from my point of view.
    Those words that you are playing with are hard words.
    I am in this community more than 5 years and never saw any user who is chauvinistic or idiot nor calling people with some bad words. This forum saw disagreements, even some misunderstandings and small fights but no one ever called each other any bad words. It is the most peaceful and helpful community that i have ever been inside.

    you made your point to write in your language, i made my point ignoring you,this will not give you any power to accuse me or any one else of anything. If anyone here want to use google translate to understand you they are totally welcome.

    You can search in any forum like corona or unity and you can easily see that in their forum Rules, it is written that forum language is strictly English. It is not because they are chauvinistic idiots, it is because English is the most common used language in the world.
    You can act positively and try to improve here. For example if i were you, i will demand aa Ukrainian part in the forum that you can freely write like a sub forum, no one will say a word about it. It will be discussed and if it is possible even can be applied.
    I am a native Turkish speaker and born in Turkey. If i will be even a little bit chauvinistic, i should have to write in Turkish language not in English.

    Maybe it is our bad that we don't have forum rules that is pointing out users what to do and what not to do? This is another topic that needs to discussed.

    Dislikes: oleg

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  • olegoleg Member
    edited May 2018
    " English is the most common used language in the world."
    choose words, the most common language in the world is the Chinese language

    і да, всі шовіністи -ідіоти, і це факт

    далі я не читав твою шовіністичну маячню..
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  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    That said, it is irrelevant since we are talking about a 'common language', that is the most spoken non native language.

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • olegoleg Member
    edited May 2018
  • guys, let's talk less, work more o:)

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • totebototebo Member
    I agree, let's make games instead discuss things that are very likely to lead nowhere good.

    Likes: SinisterSoft

    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
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  • antixantix Member
    Umm, I was not assigning any blame to anyone at all. I don't speak any language other than english but I'm not against people using whatever language they like.

    Just to be clear.. I do not mind if you enter your posts in Klingon.. it makes no difference to me because I do not read Klingon.

    Please people.. try to be a little civil :)

    and yes.. as @totebo said.. let's make games, not war :D
  • olegoleg Member
    "Just to be clear.. I do not mind if you enter your posts in Klingon.. it makes no difference to me because I do not read Klingon."

    I do not understand English - so I have to ignore all your posts in your logic.

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  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    edited May 2018
    @oleg, so do i understand right that on the forum you translate everything from english to your language and what you write you translate back using google translate?
  • olegoleg Member
    1051 x 402 - 99K
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  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    i think many of us (including me) thought that you understand english relatively well. so now i understand your side a bit better and as others said, a translation plugin would be nice on the forum.
  • olegoleg Member
    the plugin will not work as it should, because it translates the entire page
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  • Four years ago I just have my project create different builds for x86, arm, etc and deleted the .so libraries I didn't need (if you don't reference in code they don't need to be there), so each build was about ~2 MB for the game. It wasn't that hard to configure or make scripts to do this.

    When I migrated my most recent app from Cordova (600KB app) to Gideros (6.5MB), I noticed most games are 50+MB so I just left it as is. Wasn't worth the effert to shave off a few MB. Any game that is <10MB is small nowadays.

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