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Gideros API for Intellij IDEA



  • Ok, got it working. Thanks for all the help. =D>
  • yarlyyarly Member
    edited April 2012
    If the guys at gideros can supply us with some sort of full documentation like the snippet they linked above, we can get the internal doc/quick help to work with gideros in intellij as well. It could be done without that via the html doc on the site, but that's harder to parse so I'm holding off trying to do that until we hear something back.
  • avoavo Member
    @GregBUG Is it still full speed for you? I downgraded to 11.02 and it was fast for a bit but now its real slow again, weird.

    I see you are using 10.5.4 I'll try that next if yours is still working :)
  • GregBUGGregBUG Guru
    edited April 2012
    @avo Yes work at full speed. (using now on win7).
    And for me no really functionals differences from 11.1. :)

    Likes: avo

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  • yarlyyarly Member
    edited April 2012
    Just a few random things with intellij if anyone finds it useful:

    A good font for it:

    http://chrisrickard.blogspot.com/2010/03/dina-font-for-visual-studio-2010.html (set the font to size 12 for optimal use).

    Attached is the custom theme I made for it for anyone that would like to try it(you will have to rename the .txt file back to .jar and then import it into intellij). I like dark themes as they're easier on the eyes :)

    If anyone is interested, I could write up a small "how to" tie gideros into intellij so you can build your apps with it (for testing) like you would on their IDE with intellij's command line tools.
    487 x 323 - 14K
  • evsevs Member

    Nice Theme! I'd like to see a "how to".

    I currently use an AppleScript from intelliJ to run code via Gideros Studio and either the iOS Simulator, Gideros Player or connected device. With Gideros studio showing the console output.


  • avoavo Member
    I am interested, but do you mean something besides saving you from clicking back to gideros and hitting play?
  • evsevs Member

    I have it set up so that I just click run in intelliJ, I don't have to touch Gideros Studio, unless I change to another project.


  • yarlyyarly Member
    edited April 2012
    Thanks evs. I probably would have gone that route too for building if I currently was not using mainly windows and would like to avoid their methods of scripting for the OS, lol.

    Intellij has the ability to set up custom command line tools using http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/webhelp/creating-a-command-line-tool.html and http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/webhelp/creating-and-editing-run-debug-configurations.html. In short, you can build a project with it, launch the gideros player or run the android emulator/ios simulator or whatever.

    I'll write something up less abstract though that shows how to work with gideros in it so having the gideros IDE open isn't needed.

    Likes: MikeHart, avo, gorkem

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  • evsevs Member
    Here's an alternative dina font. The other one doesn't work on my mac

    http://www.geenat.com/?p=66 size 13 or 14 looks best to me


  • yarlyyarly Member
    The one hangup with Intellij and running things is using the Gideros Player itself. Putting stuff on android and iOS goes okay with command line tools, but having it launch locally to the player, I don't think can be done without a small script with vbscript or applescript to send the proper keystrokes.

    It's odd the player doesn't accept running an app as an argument to run it like Moai, LOVE or Corona do, but it doesn't. I'm not quite sure how it runs it when you click play exactly in GiderosPlayer as no packets seem to be sent from the tcp connection the GiderosIDE makes with the player.
  • yarlyyarly Member
    edited April 2012
    Here's an alternative dina font. The other one doesn't work on my mac

    http://www.geenat.com/?p=66 size 13 or 14 looks best to me


    I've tried that one before and it looks a bit weird in bold (like too curved) but it's pretty much the same otherwise. The original dina font is a bitmap font (http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Jibz/Dina/), but bitmap fonts don't seem to work in Intellij as far as I've tried (java doesn't support them :( ).

  • The one hangup with Intellij and running things is using the Gideros Player itself. Putting stuff on android and iOS goes okay with command line tools, but having it launch locally to the player, I don't think can be done without a small script with vbscript or applescript to send the proper keystrokes.

    It's odd the player doesn't accept running an app as an argument to run it like Moai, LOVE or Corona do, but it doesn't. I'm not quite sure how it runs it when you click play exactly in GiderosPlayer as no packets seem to be sent from the tcp connection the GiderosIDE makes with the player.
    From what I heard, there is some data transfered to the player. Maybe you are watching the wrong ports.

  • yarlyyarly Member
    Hmm...I'll try running it through wireshark again with a different project that hasnt been loaded before and see if anything happens.
  • AlecAlec Member
    Has anyone made anymore progress with this?
  • karnakgameskarnakgames Member
    edited February 2013
    I've made a step by step video tutorial on how to setup IntelliJ to work with Corona SDK (including autocompletion and parameter info).

    I KNOW this is not the Corona forum. But to setup for Gideros, just download the Gideros API reference instead (provided by the OP at http://pastie.org/3709547). Same process, different paths. The video may be useful for some that are having trouble setting up IntelliJ.

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